A List of Dedicated Websites to Share A Lot of Pictures
There are a lot of websites today that can be used for photo sharing purposes and in this article I plan to share some of those websites with you. However before we jump onto the topic, let’s see some of the things which you must consider before using a photo sharing website.
Things to Look for:
Popular Photo Sharing sites
It is more of video and image hosting website that was developed by Ludicorp back in the year 2004. The website was acquired by Yahoo in 2005. Apart from being a photo sharing site, Flickr also serves as an effective community of online nature. The site is mostly utilized by professional bloggers for hosting of images.
500 Pixels is a well-known community operating from Canada. The site was co-founded by Evgeny Tchebotarev and Oleg Gutsol. The site has been designed specifically for professional photographers. Different photographers try to market their excellent works through this site.
Facebook is a renowned social media website with millions of user worldwide. The site is ideal for photo sharing. The beauty of Facebook lies in the fact that it is a complete social media forum where you can create links with people all over the globe. Mark Zuckerberg is the pioneer of Facebook.
Pioneered by Photobucket Corporation, Photobucket is a video and image hosting webpage which is dedicated towards the sharing of entire video and photo life cycle. The site currently holds images in excess of 10 million. The site has around 100 million members who upload around 4 million videos and images every day.
Canon Irista
Irista is relatively new as far as the photo sharing world is concerned. Do not be deceived by the name of the site as you do not require a canon camera to utilize the site. The website has countless features which also involve up loader programs for windows and mac computers as well.
SmugMug is also a website that focuses on designing. The site is known for its stylish offerings pertaining to photos or pictures. The site has a custom home page and a number of design templates as well.
“These were some of the renowned photo sharing websites that are very much used by masses nowadays. These are not the only sites rather there are many others which I have not shared in this article. All these sites can be operated with ease and even as a lay man you will not face any major problem.”
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